The School of Bravery supports financial accessibility and autonomy to all of our customers and clients. This product is offered with payment plans options because, among other things, we believe that financially wise choices should not be punished. (i.e. selecting a payment plan that fits with your budget, but then receiving interest charges for it.)
While selecting your payment, I encourage you to take pride in how your money is used. :-) All payment plan options provide both your business and mine with financial tools to continue growing bravery around the world:
Even if you have financial needs or your budget feels a little tight, I ask that you pick your price while considering my finances and yours with honesty and integrity by using the following overlapping factors:
There is no application process or other hoops to jump through. These choices are offered on an honor system. At checkout (below) you’re asked to share one sentence about why you self-selected that price. I ask this to make sure the program is working as intended.
For more on our pricing options and the reasons behind them, our Financial Accessibility Statement is here.
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