
Biz Tools

A Digital Tool for Evidence-Proven & Value-Based Pricing Decisions


This worksheet bundle is for client-based business owners who value their time and want to make smarter money choices. Consider this your rinse-and-repeat strategy sandbox and financial planning sidekick! Includes 3 auto-calculated digital worksheets, 2 bonus strategy sandboxes, and 1 private coaching session.

A Digital Tool to Navigate Your Business & the Marketplace


A Digital Tool to Navigate Your Business & the Marketplace—This auto-calculated worksheet bundle is for business owners who want more confidence to set boundaries, make strategic marketing decisions, improve customer onboarding experiences, attract the right clients and repel the wrong clients (you know the ones). Consider this your rinse-and-repeat strategy sandbox for ideal client/customer acquisition and marketing strategy! Includes 1 worksheet bundle (with customizable client categories!) and 3 private consulting sessions with Emily Ann Peterson.

Because First Impressions Count!


Do you have a website? Do you (secretly) worry that it sucks? Or maybe you know it doesn’t do you and your awesome work justice?

Easy! You'll walk away from your 45-min Website Audit with a tangible list of tiny improvements and the confidence to put yourself out there!